High quality (net)work

International youth worker’s mobility - networking High quality (net)work

The year 2021 brought us not only the beginning of a new financial perspective and new EU programs, but also a new reality in which all organizations in the field of youth and education found themselves and which will need to be adjusted due to covid-19. Numerous studies have shown what consequences the pandemic has left on young people around the world, including Europe. From 2020, young people were faced even more intensively by the following: 87% of the world’s youth population remained in closed schools, their mental health deteriorated (MSS-mental-health-of-youth-MSS-003-21.pdf), youth unemployment has risen, the number of young people among migrants and refugees is increasing (https://www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/sg_report_socio-economic_impact_of_covid19.pdf). Our organizations will also face many of these challenges in the coming months and years. The Covid crisis, whether we like it or not, has brought many changes and limitations that also affect our operations and activities on a daily basis. That is why we find it particularly important that organizations meet at this time (at the beginning of the new EU financial perspective), build long-term strong partnerships and work together to respond intensively to the challenges mentioned above. 

During this time, the organizations themselves faced: 

  • travel restrictions, 
  • activities online, 
  • lack of direct contact with young people (due to lack of live activities), 
  • new guidelines for EU programs, especially E + (digitization, sustainable guidelines for the operation of organizations, promotion of “mixed” partnerships from different sectors in each project). 

Networking partners agree that these are challenges that we have encountered in our environments, both at the national, regional and local levels, and to which we cannot fully respond ourselves, so international projects with partners having knowledge in different fields are crucial. We all note that for successful projects, we will need to build strong long-term partnerships in this perspective, which will continue also after 2027. The purpose of the project is to empower participating organizations to better cope with the consequences of the youth pandemic in our environment. 

These are the goals we want to achieve through networking: 

  • Highlight long-term strong partnerships and strong trust between the participating 7 partners from different sectors to prepare major quality projects under the E + program for the time of the new financial perspective 2021 – 2027, which will respond to the above challenges of young people. 
  • To share the current good practices in management (especially the development or transition from conceptual design to quality projects and their implementation) within various EU programs, especially E +. 

The project activities are: 

  • carry out 3-day networking with partners from different sectors from program and partner countries (3 days of networking, 2 days of travel). Planned for May 2022. 
  • getting to know each other and connecting partners from different sectors with an emphasis on improving the transition between conceptual designs into a quality project application and their implementation (implementation of cognitive activities and workshops on project management). 
  • preparation of 5 new joint project ideas for deadlines in 2022 (KA 2). 

The results of the project are: 

  • 17 Youthpass certificates issued, 
  • 5 new joint project ideas for deadlines in 2022, 
  • networking report.

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