Digital Storytelling for Youth Mental Health

Digital Storytelling for Youth Mental Health

DYME is a two-year cooperation partnership project (KA2) applied in Hungary and Aspira as a partner. DYME project aims to use a digital storytelling approach to raise awareness and empower young people to cope with challenges and mental health issues, supporting them in building resilience among peers in their communities. Partners come from Portugal, the Netherlands, Slovakia and, of course, Slovenia and Hungary.

Through applying digital storytelling, featuring first-person stories at the country and local levels, the project will allow youth to share and learn from peers’ experiences. Thanks to the wide partnership of experts in youth work, digital marketing, and the creative industry, we will support young people in designing and delivering awareness campaigns and initiatives that will enable them to be actively engaged in health promotion. Youth-focused social networks initiatives will help us empower a wide range of young people to volunteer, exchange knowledge, and spread awareness. We will develop a bite-sized eLearning resource to offer young people a repository with easy access to information material on mental health addressing the challenges and offering solutions.



  • develop competences of youth workers in using digital storytelling as a capacity-building tool
  • provide youth workers with educational resources, methods, and tools to empower and engage local young people in a digital environment
  • provide young people with opportunities to share their experiences and feelings with their peers
  • enable young people to access information on mental health; addressing the challenges young people face and offering solutions on how to deal with challenges
  • guide and support young people in designing and delivering awareness campaigns with video editing
  • equip young people with new creative skills to enable them to express themselves creatively in digital environments, via short hands-on online tutorials in various art forms such as digital arts, digital music, design, photography, tools which complement and enhance digital storytelling.

The tangible results of this project will be:

  • Development of the DYME educational programme. 
  • Development of DYME Educational resources for Youth Workers, focusing on the train-the-trainer programme for youth workers, facilitators, educators.
  • DYME Educational resources will help youth workers arrange activities with young people utilizing the proposed methods.
  • Development of DYME Educational resources for young people consisting in the development of a Manual for young people, and in the development of bite-sized eLearning resources. 
  • Development of Video tutorials for youth workers and video tutorials for young people. 

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